Police want #ShotSpotter in Chicago

#ShotSpotter delivers help to gunshot victims

ShotSpotter tech pinpoints the location of gunfire

#ShotSpotter is already in the budget

The public wants #ShotSpotter back

Alderman want #ShotSpotter back in Chicago

With no 911 calls, gunshot victims go without emergency medical treatment in areas previously served by #ShotSpotter

Father of gunshot victim asks Chicago Mayor to keep #ShotSpotter

Police response time is 2.5
minutes faster due to #ShotSpotter

#ShotSpotter is effective

#ShotSpotter should stay to keep
people safe

Supporters urge Mayor to
keep #ShotSpotter

451 arrests due to #ShotSpotter
in 8 months

Chicago Mayor vows to end #ShotSpotter even though police response time is faster

CPD Supt. supports #ShotSpotter

#ShotSpotter is 99% accurate
per CPD stats

Chicago stats prove #ShotSpotter saves lives

#ShotSpotter got hit for 20 rounds.. full auto

#ShotSpotter got hit for 20 rounds.. full auto

Eliminating #ShotSpotter benefits criminals

Canceling #ShotSpotter is “mind-boggling”

7 rounds heard

#ShotSpotter allows cops to arrive in 60 seconds

Eliminating #ShotSpotter benefits criminals

#ShotSpotter has sent cops to a murder scene nobody called about

#ShotSpotter gets police to shootings faster

Eliminating #ShotSpotter benefits criminals

Murder victim found after cops respond to ShotSpotter

25 rounds heard by #ShotSpotter

Former CPD Supt. criticizes decision to cancel #ShotSpotter

#ShotSpotter alerts to automatic gunfire

#ShotSpotter alerts police of gang gunfire

#ShotSpotter gave police 90 second head start on gunmen

#ShotSpotter has been one of the most valuable tools

#ShotSpotter delivers results

#ShotSpotter alerts police of gang gunfire

#ShotSpotter alert speeds up response time

#ShotSpotter alerts help cops find victim

#ShotSpotter alerts help cops find victim

#ShotSpotter does NOT equal “over policing”

The use of #ShotSpotter is very much supported

Cops respond to ShotSpotter so quickly, see gunman fleeing

Stats support success of #ShotSpotter

CPD Supt. supports use of #ShotSpotter

#ShotSpotter alerts police to shooting 2 mins before 911 calls